Welcome and thank you for being here,

     I believe that although we are inherently complex beings, and we face an increasingly complex world, our greatest asset is our self. We can also be our greatest achievement. While the world may be complicated, we can better strengthen ourselves by aligning with nature and a healing path. In doing this, we improve our ability to see and experience the beauty and opportunities that surround us everyday.

     While aligning ourselves with a healing path is a different experience for everyone, my aim is to do my best to guide my clients towards their most ideal state of health. If you yearn to align your body, mind, and spirit, and you're looking for some assistance along the way, I would be delighted to work with you.

     Healing offers us an opportunity for spiritual as well as physical transformation. Our bodies are continuously in flux, swaying towards a state of dis-ease, or rising to a level of well-being. It is my mission to guide people along their path to a greater level of peace and harmony.

     Contact me if you are interested in transforming your life in a gentle but profound way using natural and energetic medicine. I can’t wait to get started on our work together.

Yours truly,
Andrea Deal DSHM 
Registered Homeopath & Clinical Herbalist


-Healing Modalities-


     Homeopathy is a scientific system of energy medicine founded over 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Classical homeopathy works by stimulating the body's own healing system in order to assist the body with it's efforts to bring about homeostasis. Homeopathy is the world's second most used form of medicine and continues to be used with tremendous success by doctors and other health professionals across the globe for the past two centuries. Homeopathy is also the world's first nano-particle medicine and has the power to bring about huge shifts in health while remaining incredibly gentle. Homeopathy is a wonderful system of medicine for anyone, however it's gentleness makes it a most ideal choice for pregnant women, babies, elders, and animals. As a practicing homeopath for over 20 years, I have the experience needed to listen to and understand, your body's unique language and expression of health, and choose a remedy specific for what your body is calling out for. When required, dietary and lifestyle recommendations may be made as well. I look forward to our work together. Book your online appointment today!

For more information on what to expect for your homeopathic treatment with me, please visit my Services page. 

Herbal Medicine

     Holistic herbal medicine is the art of using herbs to heal the body by matching their affinity to the basic pattern of the body's self-governance process, a pattern of disease, an organ, or a system in the body. Holistic herbal medicine assists the body by encouraging it's own innate wise healing abilities to bring the body back into homeostasis.

Herbs are a wonderful way to support our bodies naturally and herbal medicine has been practiced across the planet for millennia. As a clinical herbalist, I am trained to understand how to listen to your body's unique language and expression of healthand choose herbs specific for what your body is calling out for. When required, dietary and lifestyle recommendations may be made as well. I look forward to our work together. Book your online appointment today!

For more information on what to expect for your homeopathic treatment with me, please visit my Services page. 

Andrea Deal 2025