- About Me -


     I have been in homeopathic practice since 2001. I am also a registered herbalist, and experienced birth and postpartum doula. I assist people to regain their health using homeopathy, tissue salts, nutrition, botanical medicine, and transformational discussion. Outside of my holistic practice, I am a mother, musician, maker,and nature-lover. I also work as administrative director, lecturer, and student supervisor at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine.

     I felt the pull to natural medicine at the age of 16, when the book, Hygieia: A Women's Herbal, by Jeannine Parvati came into my life. I had worked as a volunteer at the local hospital in my youth and that experience solidified for me two things: One, that I cared very deeply for people; and two, that I never wanted to work in a hospital. The hospital felt devoid of something that I couldn't quite put my finger on at the tender age of 12. In the geriatric ward specifically, it seemed to me that the staff in the hospital worked very diligently, but were terribly unhappy, and the patients were lonely and desperately in need of love, nature, and a sense of community. I wasn't sure what to do with these thoughts and feelings at the time, but when Jeannine's book came into my life four years later, the hunch that I had about healing seemed to be confirmed by someone. I had known it in my bones since I was a child playing in nature, searching for wild strawberries; nature has answers, healing, and transformational opportunities for us. We must listen to and learn from nature. 

     When it came time to choose a career path, I chose to study visual art because I love to draw and paint. When I moved to Victoria, British Columbia to attend University, I was intrigued by all of the people practicing natural medicine there. I began attending classes with local healers and learned about herbal medicine, Ayurveda, Transcendental Meditation, yoga, and aromatherapy. I realized then that I had a true passion for natural healing. Although I had clearly been interested in healing as a philosophical concept in my past, I had never considered it as a career path. At this point, I couldn't stop learning. I wanted to understand all that I could about natural forms of medicine. I noticed that many of the people I studied with mentioned homeopathy. Having never heard of homeopathy before, I decided to do some reading and I borrowed some books from the local library. Shortly thereafter I knew that natural healing was my path and homeopathic medicine became my passion. I returned to Ontario to study homeopathy at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine (formerly, TSHM), where I received a tremendous education in classical homeopathy. I then went on to train as a birth and postpartum doula and worked both as a homeopathic general practitioner, and a doula supporting women in pregnancy and birth and providing postpartum support until I had my first child in 2007. I returned to natural medicine studies again several years later to become a clinical herbalist. 

     For my family and I homeopathy, herbs, and other forms of natural holistic medicine have been a godsend and is an integral part of our life. In fact, I'm not quite sure who I would be right now, if it had not been for natural medicine. I have used it with great success in my personal life for anxiety, shyness, and grief, as well as a variety of physical issues that have cropped up over the years such as headaches, PMS, aches and pains, burns, bruises, colds, fevers, mastitis, and cramps to name a few. 

     Whether a simple complaint, a chronic issue, or a desire to maintain good health and well-being, I work as a guide and healing advisor throughout your personal healing journey. I have learned a great deal in the many years since my first foray into natural medicine. Every client I have the privilege to work with teaches me about the path we walk as human spirits and I am deeply grateful for the work I do. It is my hope that my unique approach to healing will have a wonderful impact on your life. I am available for consultations with adults and children online or by phone. If you are ready to begin our work together, you can email me or book your online appointment now.

Yours truly,
Andrea Deal HOM DSHM
Registered Homeopath & Clinical Herbalist

Andrea Deal 2020